The LAW of ATTRACTION is REAL, Your Wish is your command EXPLAINED

Hello... the law of attraction brought YOU here today, this is no mistake…

Now. I have gone through so much personal development information I could write a book. … but I’m not.

I’m just going to share with you my story and the “crème de la crème” of personal development
Some things you have never heard. And if you have,  here is the true story and origins of some of the data.

I first got introduced to the world of personal development when I watched the movie THE SECRET and read the book THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill back in June 2010. I was flabbergasted when I heard what was being revealed to me about the law of attraction and universal laws. 

So I deep dived right into it all. I wasn't prepared for what I found.

I have met and was coached by several mentors and coaches I am grateful for that.
..I received Darsha twice from Her Holiness Guru Sai Maa
 (thats a whole different story, but ALL connected).

Kevin Trudeau.
My first encounter in training

Bob Proctor

My first encounter in training


with Ed Foreman of successful life livin-2018

My Level 5 Certificate ceremony in GIN (Global Information Network) 2022

Secrets to Communications, Marketing &
copywriting 2024





At a Global Information Network Event
Thanks Kevin


Part of a Forex Trading Academy I was introduced to as a source of extra income.
Contact me at the bottom of this page for more info if interested

My business Partners in one of my business (Global Paradigm Shift)
Lead by Mr. Darrin Gibson another one of my own Mentors (He is an Action Mentor)

Traders Bootcamp Atlanta 2023 with Holton Buggs,

 Partner Convention event  2023 with Kevin Trudeau

Global Information Network event with Kevin Trudeau
Thanks Kevin

 PReceiving Darshan from
Her Holiness Guru Sai Maa


Finally, I offer my own form of direct, no nonsense PRIVATE COACHING sessions

I have been a "professional student" for over 14 years.
Going thru courses, seminars, Mentorships etc.,  ranging from $49.00
 all the way up to $25,000 training. ( I was gifted the $25,000 ticket.)
You name it, I have probably done it or have done something in the realm of the topic.

Some of my Personal Development Background
The Silva Methods and Hemi Sync and other meditative technologies
Study/use of Binaural Beats and Frequencies to reach our subconscious minds.
Bob Proctor's courses and PRIVATE trainings
 Dr. Joe Dispenza works, starting from the movie WHAT THE BLEEP DO WE KNOW.
Napoleon Hill starting with THE LAW OF SUCCESS (the 1925 version)
 The SECRET and its associations discussing THE LAW OF ATTRACTION
The COMPLETE works of Neville Goddard
Kevin Trudeau's YOUR WISH IS YOUR COMMAND and his other higher level trainings
Her Holiness Guru Sai Maa's courses on Conscious Awakening
This is just to name a few, more reveal during our CONSULTATION

 I CAN and WILL guide you in an accelerated forward direction
so you don't have to go through years of study or spend thousands of dollars.
In my session, you will have total access to me, my Mind and what I have to offer.

Email Me HERE for a free consultation.



How to Contact Your Inner Child
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Read every NIGHT for 7 days ONLY
Self Image
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Read every NIGHT for 7 days ONLY

E Pendant Procteion for your phone and family